Burns Supper - after Burns Night?

Hello all,

We typically hold a fundraising Burns Night on a Sunday evening around Burns Night. Burns Night in 2025 is Saturday 25 January.

Therefore the nearest Sunday evening is the day after Burns Night - Sunday 26 January.

Is holding a Burns Supper one day after Burns Night a no-no? Should I instead hold the event on Sunday 19 January?

Or is it ok “protocol-wise” to host this event on Sunday 26 January 2025?

I would welcome your advice!

Best wishes, Dan Cobbett, Civic Secretary, Ipswich Borough Council.

Dear Dan

You may hold your Burns Supper on any date. There is no specific protocol regarding this. Hope this helps and good luck with your event.

Beverley (Wilson)
Formerly Lord Provost’s and Members Services Manager
City of Edinburgh Council

Dear Beverley,

Thank you so much for your response, much appreciated.

Best wishes, Dan.