Protocol for Past Mayor's badges

Hi everyone - does anyone have a protocol for the wearing of Past Mayor’s badges? Would be great to see this if you can share. Cheers, Margaret

Hi I’m interested in Past Mayor’s badges too please!
We have a Past Mayoress badge on chain.
My question is this: If the Deputy Mayor is a woman can she wear the Deputy Mayoress badge or is it only for the use of the Deputy Mayor’s consort if that person is a woman?
Wikipedia says… regardless of gender; the partner of a mayor is sometimes known as the “mayoress”. That suggests the Deputy Mayor cannot be named Deputy Mayoress. I know a brain teaser! Please help!!
Such a shame if we can’t use this wonderful badge of office on chain that is a hundred years old and it sits in the safe. But I want the protocol to be right. Thanks Anne Goodey Civic Officer

Hi Margret
We have this statement in our Chairman’s Guide:

Past Chairmans Badge of Office

Past Chairmen are reminded that their Badge of Office should only be worn for Full Council meetings and official civic events when representing the Chairman. For use on other occasions permission must be sort from the Chairman’s Office.



Hi Anne

I don’t think there is a hard and fast rule with the use of your Chains of Office.

It really will be up to you (your team) with the agreement of the Mayor as to who and where the chain of office is worn. Once you make that decision, inform members of the council so everyone is aware of the change. We had our Chairman’s Consort badge changed so it was not so ornamental and could be worn by either gender.




We put the following guidance in the box containing the badge when we present them to past Mayors. Hope it’s helpful. regards, jane

guidance for wearing past mayor and mayoress badges.doc (1.6 MB)

Hi Anne

In Exeter our Consorts Badge is worn regarding of gender. So if the Lord Mayor/Deputy Lord Mayor’s consort was a female or male they would wear the same badge. We only call the wife of the Lord Mayor/Deputy Lady Mayoress - or Mayoress in your case. I guess thats more of a tradition thing. And if the Lord Mayor/Deputy had a friend/family member who was female and not their wife, we would call the Consort.

we are lucky i guess that now our Consorts badges for both Lord Mayor Consort/Lady Mayoress and Deputy Lord Mayor Consort/Deputy Lady Mayoress are identical. Unfortunately our original Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress Day Chains have been retired due to the age and value of them

Hope this helps

Hi Maggie - ours is pretty straight forward (well to us it is). They can only wear their Past Mayor’s Badges at our events, however, if they want to wear it outside of our events, they need to seek permission from us first.

Our Aldermen when robed will also wear their Past Mayor’s Badges, and if they, or a Past Lord Mayor are going to an event in place of the Lord Mayor, we allow them to wear it. If the event is outside the City, we would still seek permission from the Authority for them to wear it

i’ve turned up very late to this party but just wanted to say this was really helpful - thank you.

regards, Sam. (Reigate and Banstead)