Hi, I have an unusual question. Our Remembrance Parade has the civic parade, and part of that is: Processing to the War Memorial in Rock Park from the Hotel
In the following order:
• Beadles and Macebearers
• Deputy Lord Lieutenant & Consort
• Mayor & Consort
• County Council Chairman & Consort (If one)
• District Chairman & Consort (If one)
• RBL Chairman & Senior Officer RMB Chivenor
• Constituency MP
(who will lay wreaths)
Followed by:
• Deputy Mayor & Deputy Consort
• Town Clerk & Mayor’s Cadet
• Local Town Senior Councillors in pairs
• Local Town Councillors in pairs
• Remainder of Civic Guests in pairs including Police, Fire, Swast, Military and Rev.
The question is, we have a County Cllr who would like to join the procession. Would this be appropriate and where would they go? With the remainder of the Civic Guest? They do not want to lay a wreath but they would like to be involved. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. This is my second year and while I have read the books, there is only so much it can take me.
When I was a County Councillor I processed after Borough/District Councillors: Ie in your list Borough/District Councillors and County Councillors in that order AFTER Town Councillors.
Curiously, the MP was after me as they weren’t considered a Civic dignitary and so if you think of it in geography: town, borough, County, Parliament (and I guess MEP back in the day!).
I’ve seen arguments about where the PCC would go and I guess after County in most cases.
Whatever solution you decide DOCUMENT the argument because once youv’e done it you set a precedent and so might as well try to save some heartache later.
In our case I know a number of the Political Parties also lay their own wreaths…!
Here in Torfaen, we go:
Borough Leader (as we don’t have a Mayor)
Armed Forces Champion
Chair of Community Council
(that would be VIPs covered off, then)
Borough Councillors
Community Councillors
Everyone else…
I know this might not help with the query; just for reference of how someone else might think of it.