I have responsibility in an NHS Foundation Trust for Procurement along with some aspects of Protocol and find your Forum very useful along with the guidance provided on various matters - we don’t have the same structure as local authorities but the information you supply on VIP visits; protocol ; flags and obtaining the Official Portrait has been invaluable - we received the latter last week and I was impressed with Cubiquity - the quality and packaging were excellent along with the easy to use website.
Thank you.
I am interested in the impact of structural change on the Civic Office - the creation of Charter Trustees for example in Harrogate and the differentiation between the Ceremonial and Elected Mayors - you seem to be innovative at finding solutions!
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Thank you Simon! Glad we have been of use. If you want to give me a list of questions I can look at them and perhaps have a, say 20 min, Teams meeting to try to explain the vagaries of civic life.
Paul Millward, President of NACO president@naco.uk.com
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Good morning Simon
Thank you for your post and to reiterate what Paul has said NACO are more than helpful to help untangle the web of the civic world.
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