Ukraine Flag Raising & Lighting up Buildings

Urgent. We are lighting our building this evening and over the weekend in commemoration of Holocaust.

Please confirm if you are doing the same?

Please advise if you will then revert to lighting up your building in blue and yellow for Ukraine continually or if you have taken your lighting down now for Ukraine and will only be flying the Ukraine flag on the 1st anniversary of the Ukraine War in February. Thank you Clare

Hi Clare
I was at an HMD event this lunchtime with the Chair of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain and a First Secretary from the Ukraine Embassy. There is an online meeting tomorrow between all 31 branches of Ukrainian Associations, to discuss first anniversary commemorations, including how local authorities might show their support. They will be issuing a press release with the results of their deliberations, so look out for that. I will try to get a copy from the Derby Branch and post in in the latest news section of the website.

Hi was there information from your meeting that would suggest 24th Feb will be a National event.?

Was there any further information forthcoming in relation to this please?

As soon as I have the press release I will post it on the website.