VE/VJ Civic ceremonies after the May local council elections

Local elections take place on May 1 and members take office on May 6. Does the outgoing Mayor represent the council at civic ceremonies to commemorate VE/VJ Day on May 8 and if so do they wear the chain of office.

The outgoing Mayor is Mayor until a new one is elected. So, if you have not elected a Mayor by the 8th then yes and yes.


Quite right - the civic head remains in post (even if standing down or defeated in the election) until the Annual Meeting.


Thank you! I am a County Officer advising parish and town councils and there are a number of questions relating to events in the PEP and then the time until the annual meeting. In the middle of this is VE/VJ and the civic parades. It is as I thought but sometimes these questions catch you out and its worth checking.